Fretted course is a fantastic upgrade

I've been making my way througn the original sliding course and have enjoyed it a lot.  But I've been working on the side with some fretted work, and now a whole course on fretted playing has suddenly been added.  Great upgrade.  These lessons are clearly demonstrated, well explained, and just a ton of fun.  Tnank you.

Day 7 p.s.

The wild strumming is just rough and loud and fun. What I want to do is master this instrument, to get precision and accuracy in timing and intonation. I don't expect to get through any more lessons so quickly. I think over the next few days I had better keep doing the early exercises to get them deep into my muscle memory.


Lesson one and 2 assessment tasks completed. Lesson 3 task 1 going well. Lots of chord strumming. Playing through a Vox DA5 mostly set to a very little reverb and the Blues1 modelled amp - with sometimes flanger and reverb or something for a bit of stuff like Wild Thing. I seem to have become somewhat obsessed. I feel like Mr Toad after his first sight of a motor car "Hang piano - stuff your harmonica - 3 string CBG is the only instrument worth playing!"

Day 2

Dowloaded all course overview and module overview stuff and lesson 1 and watched the videos. Do some timekeeping exercises on day 3 is the plan.

At the start

I'll be building my CBG at a Chickenbone John workshop in 5 days time. It is my intention to start getting to grips with the course - download & print stuff etc- every day in the interim. It is only by a determined effort that I shall get where I want to with this instrument. Hopefully making my level of commitment to practice public (in an anonymous sort of way) through this blog will be a spur to maintaining that effort!

On Learning

“You’re never too old to learn” said Fred,
“You can’t teach on old dog new tricks” replied George.

Well they can’t both be right, or can they? Of course as children we were sponges, everything was new and learning was as natural as eating and sleeping. What happens as we get older? Is it different for some than others? Is there something about getting older that makes it harder to learn, or at least different?

3 String Versus 4 String

So, recently I bought a 3 string fretted CBG kit ready to build. I was hoping to build it over the last weekend. It didn't happen because I realised it's going to take me a bit longer than I expected.
I'm dead keen to get started on Patrick's course having signed up last week. A friend of mine has offered to loan me a 4 string guitar until I get round to building my 3 string. Is it a good idea to follow the course on a 4 string?


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