LearnCigarBoxGuitar.com newsletter

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Improvising 101

Improvising. For me it's the most rewarding aspect of being a musician. Original music, arrived at in an instant and let go just as quickly is pure creativity. There's nothing else like it, it's heaps of fun and there's no reason that anyone can't do it. 

On Learning

“You’re never too old to learn” said Fred,
“You can’t teach on old dog new tricks” replied George.

Well they can’t both be right, or can they? Of course as children we were sponges, everything was new and learning was as natural as eating and sleeping. What happens as we get older? Is it different for some than others? Is there something about getting older that makes it harder to learn, or at least different?

Accuracy Part II - Time

Hi Folks

This newsletter is a follow-up from the previous one, it's also about accuracy but not to do with your pitch, this one is about the accuracy of your rhythmic timing. Again we need to ask ourselves exactly how to make this happen, how do we develop this important skill?


Hi folks

The main thing that I always try to impress on my students is accuracy. It's the thing that distinguishes a clean, precise player from a sloppy one. With a little attention to detail, some guidance in the right direction and a little self-discipline there is no reason why anyone can't hone their skills and become a competent player.

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